Your Name *
Your Email *
Your Phone
Your Mobile
Bill to (Company name)
Street address *
Postcode *
City *
Country *
Company registration
Company tax registration
Billing period * QuarterlyMonthly (+ € 3,50 excl. VAT/Month)
Web address * Your Costasiella installation will be delivered as [your name here] Please enter below what you'd like to see as [your name here] in the address. Usually this will be the name of your business, however you're free to choose any name you'd like.
Additional services We'll contact you to discuss the integration options and costs in case you select any. In many cases we can do it, but we're also happy to provide your web designer with all the info he/she needs to set things up.
Import data from spreadsheet or previous applicationWebsite integration - class scheduleWebsite integration - event scheduleWebsite integration - subscription pricesWebsite integration - class card pricesWebsite integration - teachers listAdditional file storage - 10GB for €10/month (excl. VAT)Setup, onboarding and training - 3hrs of consuntancy for €90 (excl. VAT)
Anything you'd like to tell us?
Terms of service I accept the terms of service. Data Processing agreement I accept the data processing agreement.